Dublin Region Homeless Action Plan 2022-2024
The Dublin Region Homeless Executive (DRHE) would like to sincerely thank all those who gave feedback and helped develop the Framework Plan on homelessness for the Dublin region, for the period 2022 to 2024.
This plan follows on from the previous plan for 2019-21 and continues the three key themes from that plan of Prevention, Protection and Progression. A dedicated annual Business Plan will be produced yearly for 2022/3, 2023/4 and 2024/5 with annual targets and named responsibility. Each annual Business Plan will be reviewed by the Statutory Management Group, prior to the determination and adoption of the follow-on plan.
This Plan was developed as a result of a detailed consultative process, including submissions, with interested groups/organisations, Service Providers, Service Users, Members of the Housing Strategic Policy Committees of the four Dublin Local Authorities, the Dublin Joint Homelessness Consultative Forum and Statutory Management Group. It was adopted by the elected members of the four Local Authorities in July 2022, came into operation since Ireland signed the Lisbon declaration on combatting homelessness in June 2021, which aims to end The 2022 to 2024 homelessness action plan has been designed to help deliver, support and complement the Housing for All objectives within the Dublin Region.
Coming out of the Covid-19 pandemic there are upward pressures on homelessness, specifically as a result of the lack of sufficient social and affordable homes and decreasing availability of private rented accommodation in the current housing market. While it is important to recognise that the immediate imbalance between the supply and demand for homes means that homelessness may not significantly reduce by 2024, this plan plays a crucial role in laying the foundations, which will ensure that the post-2024 plan can rapidly turn the new housing stock which will be coming on into lasting reductions in homelessness towards 2030.
Within this context, the aim in the current action plan is to make concrete progress towards ending homelessness and build the foundations, which will enable the vision of Housing for All to be fully achieved by 2030. This is principally by increasing the focus on homelessness prevention, improving the quality and consistency of the accommodation and support available to people experiencing homelessness, and supporting households to exit emergency accommodation as soon as possible.
The plan also includes important objectives to make better use of data in order to understand the causes of homelessness and the outcomes achieved for different groups and to address inequalities within service provision.
For further information please contact drhemanagement@dublincity.ie