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Homeless Housing Assistance Payment (HAP)

If you are experiencing homelessness* and registered with one of the Dublin Local Authorities, you can apply to the homeless section of your local authority to access Housing Assistance Payment (HAP).

The Homeless HAP scheme operated by the Dublin Region Homeless Executive (DRHE) on behalf of the Dublin local authorities, provides discretion to exceed the HAP rent limits for homeless households, if this is necessary in order to source suitable accommodation.

*To qualify for HAP under this scheme, a household must be accepted as homeless within the meaning of section 2 of the Housing Act 1988 by one of the 4 Dublin local authorities.

The Dublin Place Finder Service supports homeless households in the Dublin region to find a tenancy using HAP. If you are in emergency homeless accommodation, your local authority may help with any deposit or advance rental payments needed to get accommodation under the HAP scheme. You should contact the housing section of your local authority for further information on this.

If the risk of homelessness is in the near future (within three months) the Dublin Region Homeless Executive (DRHE) has agreed that Homeless HAP rates may be approved to prevent homelessness where possible. This allows for the maximum discretion of 50%.

The office telephone number is 01 222 6955 and this number is attended Monday to Friday, 10am – 4pm.

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