Homeless prevention services
If you are at risk of becoming homeless, do not wait until you are homeless before you seek help. Contact any of the following services who may be able to help you avoid homelessness, or they may refer you to another service that can provide you with help.
Visiting Tenancy Support Service
Call: 01 6354888
This support service helps people who are having problems with their tenancy, or who are at risk of becoming homeless, the aim of this visiting service is to assist tenants to keep their home and support them in managing their tenancy. This service is provided by Dublin City Council and Dublin Simon Community.
Crosscare - Housing and Welfare Information service
Call: 01 8726775
Crosscare Housing and Welfare Information provides a walk-in information service to people experiencing poverty and social exclusion. The agency has an open-door policy, responding in a people- centred manner to those contacting the service. Crosscare Housing and Welfare Information carries out advocacy and follow-up work on cases of its clients and refers clients to specialist agencies where necessary.
Social Work Services - Dublin City Council
Call: 01 2222233
The Housing Welfare Section is Dublin City Council’s social work service. The aim of the social work service is to meet the combined needs of Dublin City Council tenants and the local community. All services provided are confidential and professional.
You can use this service if you are:
- A Dublin City Council tenant
- A tenant purchaser
- A housing applicant
- Thinking about applying for a home though Dublin City Council
The Dublin City Council Social Work Services can assist with:
- Housing and tenancy problems
- Paying rent or rent arrears
- Child and family matters
- Marital and domestic issues
- Addiction
- Young people and education
- Neighbourhood and community issues
- Needs of older people
- Vulnerable and reclusive people
- Mental health problems
For more information please contact Dublin City Council, Housing Welfare Section, Upper Ground Floor, Block 1, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8 or email housing.welfare@dublincity.ie