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I am rough sleeping

If you are rough sleeping in Dublin tonight or about to become homeless and require support, please contact Dublin Region Assertive Street Outreach Service (operated by Dublin Simon Community).

Dublin Region Assertive Street Outreach Service

If you are sleeping rough and need accommodation and support or if you are interested in referring to Housing First.

Telephone: 01 872 0185
Monday - Friday from 7am to 1am

Saturday - Sunday from 9am to 1am

This service engages with adults who experience rough sleeping, supports them into temporary homeless accommodation and make appropriate referrals to permanent housing options especially Housing First. This service will also ensure that people sleeping rough are linked with other appropriate housing and health services to prevent further rough sleeping.

Dublin Region Housing First Service

The service involves creating new and managing existing Housing First tenancies in the Dublin region, together with the provision of intensive wraparound visiting housing supports and health supports around mental health and addiction. The service is operated by the Peter McVerry Trust.

If you are already a Housing First tenant. Telephone: 1800 805820 7 days a week, 24 hours

I would like to report a person sleeping rough

About Dublin’s Housing First Service

The primary objective of Dublin’s Housing First Service is to assist rough sleepers to access accommodation with appropriate levels of support. This service is tasked with meeting the needs of and building relationships with people experiencing rough sleeping across the four Dublin local authority and HSE administrative areas.

The Housing First Model is a participant-centred approach that focuses on ending homelessness for people who have been homeless for years. It is contingent on two factors: providing both housing and intensive case management Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) / Intensive Case Management model (ICM)) simultaneously.

Key principles of this model are:

  • Housing as a basic human right
  • Warmth, respect, and compassion
  • Commitment to the participant
  • Scattered site housing
  • Separation of housing and services issues/ requirements
  • Self-determination and choice
  • Recovery orientation
  • Harm reduction

(The above principles are outlined in the Pathways New York Housing First Manual 2010)

Housing First participants will have ready, time-unlimited access (for as long as the participant needs the support) to support and treatment services. Even if a tenancy fails, Housing First continues to support the individual to another tenancy an the support service continues to engage with the participant.

Telephone: 01 872 0185

Monday - Friday 7am to 1am
Saturday - Sunday 4pm to 1am