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In 2022, a total of €194,079,071 million was spent on providing services for persons who are homeless across the Dublin Region.

The response to homelessness is made through a range of delivery programmes and strategies. Additionally, the voluntary sector contributes significant added value though services it funds via its own fundraising activity.

Specifically, in terms of statutory funding, resources for homeless services are derived from two sources. Firstly, Section 10 funding from Central Government (Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage) to Local Authorities under the 1988 Housing Act combined with a contribution (at 10 percent) of funding directly from each Local Authorities revenue streams. Secondly, the Health Service Executive is a central funder of homeless services provision in addition to its own direct service provision of care and support programmes. In addition fundraising by voluntary sector service providers and donations received by them are expended on services.

All funded services have a Service Level Agreement in place and the agreed principles are as follows:

  • All services are required to commit to the principles of Care & Case Management and Housing First and to put into practice interagency and collaborative working in partnership with statutory and other voluntary bodies;
  • Services provided will be aligned to the strategic aims and core actions set out in The Homelessness Action Plan Framework for Dublin 2019-2021 (New action plan to be published this year 2022);
  • Principles of partnership, continuous improvement of service quality, transparency and accountability;
  • Rights of Service Users to Services which promote their dignity and rights to participate as full citizens and;
  • Operational autonomy of each of the parties whilst recognizing statutory obligations and responsibilities on the part of the funder

The total of Public Expenditure on Homeless Service Provision in the Dublin Region in 2022 was €194,079,071 million. This is broken down into five categories;

  • Category 1 - Homeless Prevention Tenancy Sustainment and Resettlement Supports €8,055,444
  • Category 2A – Scheduled Supported Emergency Accommodation for Families €33,051,153
  • Category 2B – Scheduled Supported Emergency Accommodation for Singles €36,740,133
  • Category 2C – Unscheduled - Emergency Accommodation €93,593,436
  • Category 3 – Long-Term Supported Accommodation €10,199,421
  • Category 4 – Day Services €4,290,068
  • Category 5A – Housing Authority Homeless Services - Prevention €184,303
  • Category 5B – Housing Authority Homeless Services including Administration €7,965,114

The funding estimate for homeless service provision in 2023 is estimated at €226,220,833 million. This forms part of Dublin City Council's adopted budget for 2023. We adhere to the Public Spending Code whereby all Irish public bodies are obliged to treat public funds with care, and to ensure that the best possible value-for-money is obtained whenever public money is being spent or invested.