Publications and research
Using administrative data from a national shared services database to target the delivery of Homeless Services in the Dublin Region - Dr. Bernie O'Donoghue, Dr. Richard Waldron, Dr. Declan Redmond
Download the Using administrative data from a national shared services database to target the delivery of Homeless Services in the Dublin Region - Dr. Bernie O'Donoghue, Dr. Richard Waldron, Dr. Declan Redmond (pdf 1.117 MB)
Using administrative data to inform operational and policy developments relating to family homelessness in the Dublin Region - Dr. Bernie O'Donoghue Hynes, Holly Morrin
Download the Using administrative data to inform operational and policy developments relating to family homelessness in the Dublin Region - Dr. Bernie O'Donoghue Hynes, Holly Morrin (pdf 1.246 MB)